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Art Foamies — art journal

Flowers are Like Friends by Wendy Aspinall

100 moons creative team art journal artfoamies blog creative team wendy aspinall

Flowers are Like Friends by Wendy Aspinall

"Flowers are like Friends” Fridge Magnet Shrine by Wendy Aspinall HEY FRIENDS! Wendy Aspinall here and I'm back again as this week's guest artist for ArtFoamies. Flowers are like friends, They bring color into our lives. I wanted to make a reminder of that with a pretty shrine filled with a dimensional bouquet of flowers that I could put on my fridge to see every day. I hope you will enjoy seeing my friendship shrine and maybe create one yourselves to celebrate your friendships. SUPPLIES Lid of a paper Mache box Kae Pea | Scribble Rose | Foam Stamp Kae...

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Welcome Home ArtFoamies by Barbara Vaccari

100 moons creative team art journal artfoamies blog creative team

Welcome Home ArtFoamies by Barbara Vaccari

Welcome Home ArtFoamies by Barbara Vaccari HI! I am Barbara Vaccari from Italy. I am a mixed media artist and I am very honored to be a guest designer for ArtFoamies brand. I am really excited today to present my project to you. The idea came to me as I was approaching my Artfoamies and having lots of fun. I have to tell you that these play tools are addictive. The more you play the more you want to explore them. So let me guide you through my simple practice and all together we’ll discover their infinitive possibilities.I am a...

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Use Your Wings! by Nicole Watson

100 moons creative team art journal artfoamies blog creative team

Use Your Wings! by Nicole Watson

Use Your Wings! - Nicole Watson   HELLO ARTISTS! I’m so thrilled to share this tutorial today as a guest artist on the ArtFoamies blog. This week’s journal spread was completely inspired by the Butterfly Wings stamps. Before I even began, I had a vision in my head of the wings popping off my page with words under, and I also knew what I wanted the page to say. How I arrived there in the end completely surprised me! Isn’t it amazing how art journal play leads to discoveries and happy moments? This spread in my journal page brings me...

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Journaling with Artfoamies by Martha @AyalaArt

100 moons creative team art journal artfoamies blog creative team

Journaling with Artfoamies by Martha @AyalaArt

Journaling with Artfoamies by Martha @AyalaArt Have you ever felt that you want to create something, but you don't know where to start? Well... Art Foamies can help you with that! Hello, this is your Artsy friend Martha, from Ilove2paint. Today's project features: Sandra Evertson | Heart Urn Grab your Art Journal or Sketchbook, your favorite tissue paper and some fun acrylic paint. This is the metallic paint I like best are Lumiere. If you are not sure what colors, get a color wheel. Use the brayer to get paint on the ArtFoamie and stamp in different angles on the paper, then tear the...

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Happy MOONiversary to ArtFoamies!! - with Kae Pea

1 year anniversary 100 moons creative team Anniversary art journal artfoamies blog creative team Kae pea

Happy MOONiversary to ArtFoamies!! - with Kae Pea

HI EVERYONE! It's me, Kae Pea. I am so overjoyed to be here blogging today. It is a very special day in my MOONiverse! As many of you know, I started my journey with RubberMoon nine years ago. (Time sure does fly!) I still love (and use daily), my old fashioned, hand made, red rubber stamps and I always will! But, one year ago, I purchased ArtFoamies™Foam Stamps and a new passion for, these modern, mixed-media stamps emerged! I am so creatively smitten with ArtFoamies and all of the amazing ways you can create with them. It was exactly one...

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