Art Foamies — fabric
Scraps to Treasure by Lynne Forsythe
100 moons creative team art journal artfoamies blog creative team fabric

Transforming Scraps to Treasure by Lynne Forsythe HELLO ARTFOAMIES FANS!!! Lynne Forsythe here with another project for you. Have you ever experienced a Creative Block?? As a designer this can be PROBLEMATIC especially when you are trying to meet a deadline. I have to say...I hit the wall HARD this time! So, how do you BREAK THROUGH a Creative Block? You just start! And that is just what I did. I gathered up a few bottle of paint, inspired by Color Crush Creative Mood Board ~ Grounded Soul, some paper and my ArtFoamie Stamps ....and I just STARTED!Today's...
Finding Inspiration by Patti Campbell
100 moons creative team artfoamies blog creative team fabric patti campbell

Finding Inspiration by Patti Campbell 🦋Finding Inspiration🦋 Hi, it's me Patti Campbell again! This post is going to be a little different from me, as this time I want to tell the story behind my inspiration. Anyone who knows me knows that seeing live music is like going to church for me. My concert t-shirts are sacred. So when I do something that damages one, like getting a bleach stain on it, it makes me sad. For a long time I've been looking for a way to fix this shirt. Then one day it popped into my head to fix...
Blooming Ideas Denim Jacket by Patti Campbell
100 moons creative team artfoamies blog creative team denim fabric jean jacket patti campbell

Blooming Ideas 🎕💜Blooming Ideas Denim Jacket💜🎕 Hello again, Patti here to share my hand painted denim jacket. For this project I used: ArtFoamies: Heartful By Gale Nation Daisy by Red Tin Roof Three Leaves Set by Kae Pea Florally by Kae Pea Rose by Red Tin Roof Daffodil by Red Tin Roof Floral Crown by Kae Pea Golden GAC 900 Golden Acrylics in Titanium White, Chromium Oxide Green, and Phthalo Green Liquitex acrylic in Medium Magenta Winsor & Newton acrylic in Permanent Green Light Amsterdam acrylics in Azo Yellow Medium and Pyrrole Red Arteza acrylic in Ultramarine Blue...