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Art Foamies — mary engelbreit

Wishing Upon a Star by Nancy Sheads

100 moons creative team blog creative team mary engelbreit nancy sheads rubbermoon

Wishing Upon a Star by Nancy Sheads

Mary Englebreit's Wishing Upon A Star by Nancy Sheads GOOD MORNING RUBBERMOON FANS! Today's project was actually inspired by our own Jenn White who recently posted her rainbow colored tiles, tassels & tuffets using stamps from ArtFoamies. If you missed her blog post, take a look at it here!  In a recent conversation, Jenn revealed that she often stamps out mass quantities of things and sends them out to friends. I was a happy recent recipient of some of her colorful Moonglo Bright Rainbow HeArtFoamies featured in her January post. What I love about Jenn's artwork is that she just goes...

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